April 26, 2011

If Walls Could Talk......

I live in the house I grew up in and we have named it
"Remember House".
There are so many incredible memories and
I can't imagine living anywhere else.
We bought the house from my lil'mama over 25 years ago
Did extensive remodeling, leaving what we could so it
Would have all the charm and architectural interest an old house should have.
For whatever reason, my bedroom remained untouched other than to 
Add a door for a Jack'n Jill bathroom.

This is that room,
Which has become what I call "The Baby Room".
It contains all of my baby things
My husband's childhood memories,
Of course, my baby girl's things.

I have loved ceramic and stoneware baby shoes
and have been collecting them for years.

 And, of course, my love of mirrors.
I saw this idea 15 years ago in a Country Living Magazine and
Immediately went about collecting my own special "wall".
The top displays various things from our past lives. 
 I also adore old baby clothes and
Have used them as a valance across the entire width of the room
Above both the windows.
 This wall displays not only my lil'mama's dress on top,
But mine in the middle,
and my baby girl's as well.
 My love of animals has been obvious all my life,
With my collection of chalk ware dogs.
 I am fortunate enough to have all of my childhood dolls.....
and saved my daughter's as well.
The little pink sewing machine on the top was from Santa when I was just 7.
I was sewing even then :) 

 My chair in this room was my first attempt at a fitted slipcover....
And I haven't done one since......they are a challenge.
It is full of my daughter's bears....
All wonderful memories.

 I always made her special dolls as well.....
Or at least I told her they were for her :)

 But this is one of my absolute favorite views......
As you leave the room you see the beginning of our
Family Wall of Fame.....mostly my wonderful daughter.
The pictures extend to the right and further down the left.
They include pictures from birth up to her wedding and
A few family photos mixed in as well.
I will never take these photos down.
To the left before you leave the room is my family history,
And to the right (not seen) is my husbands.

My family is everything to me. 

And this is what we still refer to as "my room".
Goodness, if walls could talk!

Thank you for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come.
If this is your first time here and you choose to follow,
Please know I always follow back ;)

Today I am joining with Faded Charm's White Wednesday.
Tell them I sent you:)


  1. Oh wow how lucky are you seriously to be a part of growing old in a family home its something I can only dream about.I love all your bits its just what I would love to do and collect but dont do yet just collect much to the families bewilderment cept my mum she gets me

  2. What a lovely post and a very beautiful home you have. Memories like these make it even more wonderful! Thanks for sharing!


  3. How pretty! That's so cool that you live in your childhood home. Not many people can say that...such memories indeed!


  4. We are kindred spirits! I also collect baby dresses and baby shoes and baby planters! I don't have nearly the collections you have, but oh my, have I enjoyed my visit here today!!

    Happy White Wednesday!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  5. A lovely collection of memories. I adore the baby clothes valance. Such a wonderful idea!!

  6. Hi Jana,
    You are such a sentimental soul, I know this is why I adore you so much. You speak from your heart and your home shows it. It must be wonderful still living in your family home and keeping the memories alive. I love your special room and I'd love to just sit in there and feel the love.



Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.