April 9, 2011

Random Acts of Pinkness and A Giveaway!!

 I was totally stumped for pink this week.....
I walked around the shoppe, camera in hand....
And was amazed at the pinks I found when I thought I had none.

This luscious 1950's linen headband.....

 A heartfelt transfer ware plate....
.I love this saying.

 Along with one of my 100 plus year old motto pillows....
these are my favorite.

Then  a yummy lavender sachet....

 And the grandeur of a huge vase of pink tulips....
just how could I miss these?

 With a few shiny pieces for display...

But I also need to share my latest giveaway....
Details to be announced tomorrow,
So stay tuned and check back.
We'll let you know what's up.

Want to see more beautiful spring pinks?
you won't be disappointed.

Thank you for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come.

Also, if this is your first time here and you choose to follow....
Please know I always follow back :)


  1. Isn't it funny how blogging can take on a life of it's own? To have us looking at life differently - down to such simple things as colors...who knew?
    Wonderful post!
    Have a great weekend! Karen

  2. Hi.
    I am visiting via Pink Saturday. I live in Scotland and it is already late in the evening. I have had such fun visiting Blogs that are new to me.
    You have the most beautiful Blog with gorgeous photographs, it has been a joy to visit you.

  3. Hi There, I found you over on Pink Saturday and I love your Pink post...I love the pinks that you found! Be sure that I will check back for your giveaway....How about I get something for commenting first?? Just kidding...But I love your saying at the top "Random acts of Pinkness and A Giveaway" so cute. I am your newest follower, Pinkim from TrulySimplyPink

  4. Hi Jana,
    I'm lovin your pretty pinks today. Gets me in a good mood just looking at it all.


  5. One of these days I'm going to visit that shop of yours! I want to see all your pretties.

  6. Jana,
    I would say that you were able to find some fantastic pinks!!


  7. Hi Jana~ just hopped over from Cozy Little House...your blog is beautiful and I look forward to reading more...I am a new follower!

  8. Hello. Just found you through Cozy Little House. You have a delightful blog and I just signed up to follow.


  9. I'm not a fan of pink, but I have another friend who does these Pink Saturday postings. Your pieces are definitely lovely, especially the tulips.


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.