May 5, 2011

When Mistakes Turn Out Beautiful :)

I've always been what some think a "little on the edge"
When it comes to my ideas in design and what I like.
I just don't like to follow the pack and I
Enjoy elements of surprise in my home and Shoppe.

These chairs came to me,once again, free.
And by now you know me well enough to know I don't turn down free.
I've always enjoyed taking something that someone else has cast aside and making them want it again.
The chairs were U*G*L*Y.
They were a really yucky brownish yellow vinyl color with years of dirt on them
I felt I would probably just paint the wood and reupholster the chairs....
Pretty boring.
I often say that many of my best ideas have come from my worst mistakes....
And these are no exception.
Being lazy, I simply used spray Kiltz for the arms and legs,
Not worrying about the vinyl upholstery because it was going to be removed anyway.
But because spray Kiltz covers so incredibly well......
I had a vision.
It didn't take me long to gesso all the vinyl and paint them out in
oil based paint using roses, of course.
The paint lasts forever and looks better the more the chairs are used.
They sold to a wedding boutique design room.....
Very romantic!!  

And I have shared this project before, I think......
But that was a long time ago when I had one follower :)
So I wanted to  mention it again because I get so many comments about it in Shoppe.
The fireplace started out as a chest of drawers....and it was a mistake as well.
I was on my way out of a flea market after loading my van and saw this piece at a distance.
It was taller than most chests, had a bookcase above it and was decidedly French.
Without even inspecting it, I called to the dealer "how much is that?"
The price was right....I quickly paid and loaded it up.
Not until I got home did I realize that although the frame work was solid wood,
The drawers were that flimsy fiber board, and I don't sell that kind of furniture.
Thinking I was simply out the money, I removed all the drawers and hardware,
Leaving just the shell.
Walking by it for about a week, I had a vision.
And this is what it became.
A front was created out of solid wood and a "firebox" was included.
It just had to be painted out as well to add drama and an element of surprise


The wonderful lines I saw were detailed in gold leafing.


By adding my touch to the things I have in the Shoppe,
I am guaranteed not to be like anywhere else,
Which makes it fun to come in just to see what I'm up to.
Old, beautiful, fun and's all good:)

Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come.
If this is your first time here and you choose to follow,
Please know I always follow back :)

Today I am linking to French Country Cottage
And of course,
Pink Saturday

Happy Mother's Day! 


  1. Oh my whiskers! Those chairs are wonderfully inviting. Good thing they sold or I'd be wondering the alleyways in search of your store so that I could come test them out. You know it's that quality control thing we cats are famous for ;)

    I hope you have a grand Mother's Day!



  2. Hi Jana,
    I would love to visit your shop one day. I just know that I would leave there inspired and probably with a load in my car!
    The rose chairs are gorgeous and I'm not surprised they sold right awway. The piece de resistance is the mantel, it's devine!!!


  3. I love it when something comes out of what we think is a mistake. Love items.

  4. Fabulous "save"! Both are truely better than new!

  5. This came out just darling~love your sweet chairs and your fireplace is delightful! Thanks for sharing at FNF :)

  6. Hello and happy Mother's Day! I found your blog through my friend LuLu's blog. I am so happy I did! I love these chairs... absolutely delightful! I was also so happy to see all your four-legged kids pictures on the sidebar. All so adorable. :) From one Capricorn to another I hope you had a lovely day and have a fantastic week ahead.

  7. You are so creative! What a transformation! And the chairs are gorgeous too!

  8. I found your blog over at Beatrice B and I am so glad. I love the chairs and that lovely creation that looks like a fireplace! That is so great looking and it can be moved around to wherever a person may want it to be. I love it.
    Hugs, Cindy


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.