May 10, 2011

I've Never Been a Craigslist Fan

My experience with Craigslist has been individuals who never show up,
Who try to run SCAMs on me wanting money back from an accidental overpayment...
And just generally bad.
I have often thought it a waste of  my time.
I know others have had success, find wonderful things, and swear by it.....
That would not be me.

But, I do have to say they have earned a few points with me lately.
Don't know why I was perusing antique furniture one Saturday,
But I was.
I came across these two wonderful cabinets that had only been listed for two minutes.
AND they were $25.00 each........

I called and surprisingly reached the person...
Made arrangements to pick them up the next day
And it was done.
Just goes to show that you have to keep trying if you are going to be happy with things.

I'm not certain what their original purpose was, however,
My handbags and jewelry look wonderful inside.
But each time I look at them I keep thinking they either need a gypsy fortune teller bust where you
Put money inside and receive your fortune or a big claw mechanism that picks up stuffed animals and drops them down the chute for the lucky winner.

Still, I love them and I won't talk so badly about Craigslist....
For a while anyway.

Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come.
If this is your first time here and you choose to follow,
Please know I always follow back.

Hop on over and check out the beauty of the color white.


  1. I'd say you did very well! They look fabulous!

  2. Hi Jana,
    I see you are feeling better since the last post where everything was going wrong for you.
    I'd say the Craig's List buy turned out right.
    I love them for display. Perfect.


  3. What a great find and the price was awesome too ! I don't always have much like finding good things on craigslist either ..but I don't put too much effort into it ..LOL !!!

    I see you were published in Haute handbags new issue ..I was also ..

    So glad to meet you and I am now following

    Blessings ..Sara

  4. Those are great finds!
    I guess I'll keep trying CL myself!

  5. My experiences with Craigslist have been similiar to most of yours. Fun story! Thanks for sharing your honest feelings!!! love it.

  6. Great find on the cabinets. I feel the same way about Craigslist but my husband has great luck. Guess I need to search more often. I love your rose painted chairs! I'm your newest follower visiting from White Wednesday,

  7. Quite the steal, Jana! They look great! :)

    xoxo laurie

  8. Those were definitely a GREAT find! Patience does pay:)

  9. Great find and the faster you respond to those ad's the better your chances~ oxox, Diane

  10. You got a good deal, looks really nice,


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