June 17, 2011

Chicken Wire Bridal Crown

Do you always plan your projects ahead of time,
or do you simply wait until something "inspires" you....
Never really knowing what the day will bring?

I have to say I am a little of both, but the
Projects I enjoy the very, very most are the ones that "just happen".
You know, the ones that get done when you know there are other things
You really should be doing, but it just can't wait to be created.

And this is one of those :)
Having brought home a huge roll of rusty chicken wire from my
Lil'mama's farm, I am always thinking of things it can do.
Firstly I made the chicken wire cloches.....
Then the chicken wire mannequins....
Now, the bridal crown.
I haven't made many crowns, although they are quite popular.
Just haven't been motivated, I guess.
Somehow, today was different.
All it took was a scrap piece of wire I tripped on the in back lot when
Moving the sprinkler and I was set to go.
Of course, you knew it would be lacey and girlie.....
if you know me at all :)

A view from the front....

 And close up....

 Then from the side....

 And, of course, the back....

 With a full inside shot as well....
 Don't know why some creations "just happen",
But I'm glad they do.......

Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come...
If you visit and choose to follow,
Please know I always follow back :)

Happy Weekend.


  1. LOVE your crown!!! Love all the flowers and lace, and the hanging ribbons on the back are perfect!.. I found myself nervous for MY own biggest project this week, a tag swap, and I'm kind of ashamed of myself for it actually. Without going into great detail, it was a matter of confidence and acceptance, but it all worked out, thank goodness, and to MY OWN satisfaction, most importantly. An crafter/artist works from his or her own heart, and if nobody likes it, WHO CARES! (just hopefully SOMEBODY does, right?!! LOL!).. Have a great weekend! ~tina

  2. You are so remarkably talented! I love these!

  3. Too cute!
    You have a great imagination!
    Thanks for sharing!

  4. Good Morning, Jana,
    Sooo Romantic! And, you are sooo creative. Good work! Have a wonderful weekend. ~Natalie

  5. What a beautiful crown! I've enjoyed perusing your past posts and am in awe of your creativity once again. So happy to hear from you today in my speck of the blogosphere too. Stay cool!!!! ~ Angela

  6. Well that is just exquisite, Jana! You better make a few more of those for the show:)!


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