June 2, 2011

I Love Me Some LuLu and Kim.......

 A couple of months ago I received an email from my sweet blogging friend "LuLu"
of Coastal Sisters.  She and I have been emailing forever and she was coming to Texas....
Wanted to know if she came a couple of days early if she could come to the Shoppe so we could meet....
Yipee, I was finally going to meet someone in blogland,
And someone that I dearly loved.
When we met it was like we had known each other forever....
Isn't blogging wonderful that way?

Me and LuLu


Lulu and Kim

And I was very excited to see she brought her dear friend Kim from Kimhanauer.blogspot.com.
It was like we had all known each other all of our lives......kindred spirits, for sure.
They perused the Shoppe, we talked about art, about projects, and anything else that came to mind.
We left for a dinner of Tex-Mex at 6:00pm and finally got up from the table at 9:00pm.....
The evening had literally flown by.

They promised to come back when we could spend days together
Because we know there is so much more to talk about and share.
LuLu brought me another fabulous cameo necklace made just for me.....
I will share my beautiful treasure as soon as my camera issues are resolved.....
It deserves a post all it's own anyway :)

I cannot express enough how wonderful their visit was and
Just how nice it was to
Hug their necks.....I love you, girls.


  1. Hi Jana,
    I just love LuLu, she's a real sweetie and a doll, in fact I'm a little jealous that you two got to meet and have fun together.
    I confess that I have already seen a sneek peek of your necklace. LuLu emailed me a photo of it and of course, I swooned over it!

    Maybe one of these days I'll make it your way.
    I hope so.


  2. Oh, what fun for you all:)! Lucky women....checking out every corner of your shop:)!

  3. *singing* "I had the time of my life....lalalalal*....Jana, thank you so much for your hospitality, friendship and most of all your love! I can't wait to come back and see you again!



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