July 20, 2011

A Bag for Be'be

My sweet Tatsey is almost two years old....
Such a big girl now.

Her mama and I went searching for a purse for her....
She needs a place to carry her sunglasses, don't you know.
Couldn't find anything except Dora the Explorer....
Not just yuk.....but BIG yuk.

I decided to make her one of her own.
Just like the one I made for her mama....
Except on a smaller scale of course.
This one is 16x16" and holds everything...

This one is 6x6" and perfect for
My Be'be........
 She's such a "girl".

 Thank you for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come....
If you visit and choose to follow,
Please know I always follow back :)
(If I don't, it's an oversight....just remind me:)

I'm joining with the following parties this week....
Check them out when you get a chance.


  1. super geworden de tas ze zal er zeker erg blij mee zijn ... fijne week viana

  2. Jana...I can't believe she's already two! It seems like just yesterday she was born. They grow up too fast!

    LOVE her wee handbag!


  3. Hi Jana,
    I just love her little tote bag just like her Mama's!


  4. What a lucky little girl-although I know you are so lucky to have here, too!
    Thanks for sharing!

  5. Oh! I want a big girl bag just like that one! Sooooo cute! And I need a place for my sunglasses too. Love your blog and I am so thankful for all of your advice. And, you are so right about my french chair "screamin' deal".....I soooooo wanted to tell everyone what I did NOT pay for those babies.....shhhhhh, that is so hard sometimes!
    (((hugs))) Thanks for following me...I am almost up to 20! LOL

  6. Hi Jana...this beautiful bag is perfect for your little princess!!

  7. Another Jana! Following crumbs from other followers and found your lovely site. Nice to meet another Jana! Beautiful silk work! Artfrulpanoply.blogspot.com


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