July 5, 2011

Shake It Up......

 Just about every nook and cranny of the Shoppe has been redone...
Large items inside the Shoppe sold during the last Le' Pre'miere and
Things that didn't sell had to be accommodated inside.

It's always fun to redesign and rearrange everything,
Making it look new and different.....
Finding things even I forgot about.
I'm always amazed at how the same things can look so different
When combined with other elements around the store.

A great new look for a tired fireplace display.

 With a new cabinet for all my handmade soaps and sprays.

 Along with a little of this and a little of that...
 Wonderful painted frames and an old wooden birdcage.

 The perfect storage for this precious child's antique tea set.....
A hand painted train case.

A snugly bedroom area, too.

And, of course, all the windows were reworked as well.

It always helps any type of business to "shake it up" regularly.
It helps customers to see things they missed before,
Keeps your inventory (or home) fresh and exciting.
Nothing is more boring than walking into a Shoppe and
Seeing everything always looks the same.
It's alot of work, but it pays off in the long run.

The same concept can be used at home as well.
If you are tired of something, just move it around..
It breathes new life and energy into an area and
You just might fall in love with "your stuff" all over again.

Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come.
If you visit and choose to follow,
Please know I always follow back
(if I don't, just remind me as it is an oversight)

I'm joining the following parties this week.....
hop over and check them out.
It's always good.


  1. Hi Jana,
    Your shop looks lovely. I would love to visit sometime because I see so many things that I would haul home with me. I just know there are so many treasures in every crook and cranny.

    You are so right about keeping things fresh and moved around. I try to do that with my booths too.

    I'm glad that your sale was a success.


  2. Great post...I think a shake up needs to be planned for my house!
    Thanks for the inspiring post!

  3. Hi Jana, boy do I wish I lived near you. I bet you are having the time of your life rearranging and playing in all those shabby treasures. It's beautiful and I see so many things I would love to have, Char

  4. Jana the shoppe looks fantastic! It is time to foof the booth up for me. I got 5 pieces of small furniture painted on the 4th (yup that's how I celebrate- painting!) They're going in the booth tomorrow!

  5. One day I hope to walk into that lovely shoppe of yours and explore every nook and cranny. Everything looks so wonderful, Jana!

  6. Awesome! looks beautiful, Celeste, victoriantailor.com


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