August 20, 2011

300th Follower Giveaway......I Think (:D

I'm almost there...
and you must wonder why I waited until I was only one away
to have a giveaway?
Well, I can only tell you that last year I hit 156 seven different times....
I'm not sure what was going on or why it was happening,
but for every two I would gain, I would loose 1.....or 3.
I would have been concerned that I was out there offending someone
or something of that nature, if it hadn't been so funny
to watch......I felt it to be a silly conspiracy, but I just never knew why????
So, gaining one more follower to be at 300 might be an easy task
for others, but it's just not a sure thing for me.....
I don't know why people quit following whether it be on Facebook
or on a blog....I know if I loose interest, I just quit reading..

I'm having a giveaway and it begins like this with a
beautiful vintage paper covered heart box.  

It's about 8" across and 6" deep so it will hold A LOT....
and I'm thinking vintage millinery and flowers...

some old buttons as well....

and a little bias ribbon we all love.

You know I have to include old lace, too

With some samplings of my velvet ribbons...
Maybe some old trims....

And who knows what else.....
But rest assured it will be packed to the brim and
the winner won't be disappointed......
It's like a surprise giveaway.

Just leave a comment on this post and the winner will be
chosen Saturday, August 27th
Let me know you passed my giveaway on and you have two chances......

Easy, peasy...
Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come.


  1. Hi Jana,
    Oh No, I don't stand a chance to win all of these beautiful cherished treasures!!! Being number one ain't always good.
    I'll be sure and pass it along to everyone.

    I've had that happen to me too. One day I have followers and the next day I'm minus a few.


  2. Happy "almost" 300th follower!!

  3. That's funny how that follower thing happens , it's happened to me too . But 300 ! that's great ! Congratulations !

  4. No rhyme or reason to followers. Good luck with your numbers-hope you hit the magic one for you!

  5. goodness its all gorgeous!!!
    congrats and here is to many more followers!

  6. I would love to be the proud winner of all these lovely goodies. Count me in! I have ideas for everything already:-)

  7. Ooh shiny, count me in! I'll promote on my blog.

    Can't see why someone would unfollow your blog, but I guess that's their business.

  8. Woo hoo almost there well done I have ages to go yet.Gorgoeus give away too

  9. Good Morning, Jana,
    I have been thinking the same thing...I actually lost 4 blog followers in the last week and sometimes people unlike my page on facebook...and I wonder if it's something I said??

    Congratulations on your milestone. Don't worry, you're not going to loose me as a follower!

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend. ~Natalie

  10. Hi Jana :) You know I am one of your followers, and have been for a while now :) I don't even know how many blogs I follow, but I've never stopped following any, and I try to stop by and do a quick peek into as many as time will allow me, though I don't leave comments as much as what I use to, which I feel so guilty about :( Anyways, LOVE your giveaway, and would LOVE a chance to win this beautiful box that will be filled with so many fun and lovely things to create with!! Oh yes!!!

    Warmest hugs, Brenda

  11. Jana, that beautiful heart box is so lovely and romantic. Please enter me to win it.

  12. I know that feeling of gaining and losing followers and friends...too bad other things in life aren't so easy to lose! I would love a chance to win all of those beautiful treasures!!


  13. Have been a follower of yours for some time and love your beautiful style. I would love to be the recipient of your wonderful give-a-way.... It would make my day! Buttons are my thing!! Thank you for your generosity. Always, Barbara (Basia)

  14. YA! I made it #300! Thank you for the invite and the chance at the great giveaway stash!

  15. A box that is gorgeous, laces buttons trims and I think I'd be in heaven to win!!!
    Me me me!!!
    Blessings and congratulations!

  16. I am swooning over all that velvet ribbon! What a sweetheart you are for having this Giveaway! Throw my name in the hat please!


  17. congratulations on the 300 !! from a happy follower:)

  18. Sign me up for that lovely heart box....I am ready to dig through it:)!

  19. Hi Nettie, I would love to join in and be added to your drawing. It seems like we like all the same things. Everything is so beautiful. Love the little Nettie bebe vest too.

  20. Well you can be assured I will never be unfollowing your wonderful blog! They are the ones missing out for sure!

    bee blessed

  21. I would love to enter your giveaway. I would love the ribbon and lace to play with as I call it. I enjoy reading blogs because it is relaxing to me and seeing what everybody is doing. I don't always get to leave a comment, because blogger can be tempermental or I am reading from work. I figure if they see something they don't like, they don't have to read my blog. It is a great way to make a lot of friends and I treasure everyone. Have a great day. Your Missouri friend.

  22. Oh I would love to win! What a great celebration! Congratulations, I have passed this on to fellow bloggers, my daughter and my sister...My fingers. Hugs, Diane

  23. Hi Jana I know I am late for the give a way but you have a wonderful blog and I just love the ambiance of it so I am following you anyway. Congratulations on your over 300 followers...


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.