September 15, 2011

Can I Get a What`What

I talked about this chair in my previous post.....
Lots of history....lots of problems....but I had a vision.

I used tea stained antique crochet doilies and scarves to cover the entire back of the chair,
and to embellish the front and seat....
and to embellish the front and seat as well.
The lace pieces were sewn on where applicable and
an intense fabric glue was used on others, depending on what worked best.
I really like how this looks from the back....
The top back of the chair is still under construction....
as a row of these hand made muslin roses will be applied down the arms and around the back.
but will be tea stained before attached to the chair permanently.
The good thing about this piece is that it is still very usable.....
Tomorrow I start on this monster.....
But for tonight, I'm off to make roses.
I'm determined it will be finished in the morning :) 

Today I'm linking to
honey at 2805
Feather Nest Friday at French Country Cottage


  1. Oh I am so loving this chair!!!!

  2. Hi Jana. This is the first time I've seen a chair done like this. Very cool and so unique. It's going to be beautiful. I've been looking for a chair in that shape and size.

    I really like your blog and I'm your newest follower. I hope to visit often and get to know you.

    Hugs...Tracy :)

  3. I've never heard of that before! What a cute piece!

    From FFF


  4. Working you fingers to the bone girl.....;)

  5. Holla!! Lovin' this chair!! Beautiful work, Jana! Have a great weekend! ~tina

  6. Hi Jana, LOVE this and I'm going to feature it on VIF this afternoon. Did you see Debbie's from Curious Sofa? your's is just as gorgeous, thanks so much for linking up to VIF!! xo

  7. That first chair is a dream and so-o you....looks like the lovely clothing you create. I could just sit in that for hours:)! I can't wait to see what you do with the monster chair. Good luck on the 24th....I hope it is a great day for all:)!

  8. Wow! The possibilities are endless!! GREAT IDEA!!!! Love that you thought outside the chair!!!
    Blessings, Doni

  9. What a clever idea. I don't know how much actual use it could hould up to but the affect is wonderful. Did you add a lining first then sewn the lace. Great piece. A real conversation piece. Thanks for sharing.
    Drop by my blog I am hosting a giveaway. Kathy

  10. Love this chair. Lace is my favorite! You are a super talent!

  11. Those doilies are so pretty - I love it!

  12. Great Idea! The chair looks nice.

  13. I love Lace and the chair looks so sweet!
    I do have a concern though ... are you able to sit on the lace without breaking the treads from the stress?

  14. I LOVE lace and the chair is so sweet! I do however, have one concern ... are you able to sit in the chair without breaking the threads from stress on the cushion?

  15. Love the lace chair! You've inspired me!


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