September 6, 2011

carry on.......

I have a mantra I try to live by.
and it is hanging in my home.
so I can be reminded everyday.

 That's because it's not alway easy to live by,
But I really, really try.
and sometimes that works......
and sometimes it doesn't.
Probably because on any given day there is so
Very much that should be done, that it is seemingly
Impossible to do it all.

And that is one of the problems facing
the majority of us today.

The overwhelming task of doing it all,
And trying to do it all the right way.
Without coming apart at the seams.

Anybody out there have some glue......???????

Ok now.....deep breath......and carry on.


  1. I have plenty of glue...come on over:) I like your mantra, but you also need to "Stop and smell the roses" once in awhile, Jana. Work will always be there when you get back:)

    And, oh my, speaking of roses...that client table in the peanut butter and pink roses was just luscious! Your work is beautiful!

  2. I always have glue!!

    Eeeeeeeeeeek! I see a baby head!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!

    I am back from my show and now going to catch up on what I missed on your Blog.....looks like you have been a busy bee! bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

    Love you Jana!


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.