October 14, 2011

***Jungle Fever***

Don't ask me why,
Because I just don't know.....
My tastes are taking a BIG swing lately.
Don't get me wrong, I still love the whites and
Adore the laces....

But I'm also being drawn to bold color and a funky style.

This chair has great bones.....
I thought about a floral, or a barkcloth, or feed sacks,
But nothing was working for me....

 Then I spotted all the spots across the store.....
Was immediately drawn to them and
Brought them home.....

They were used in place of my ever so predictable
Whites and Roses.

But just a bit of lace had to be thrown in,
Just to "balance my act"

She's a little more out there than her "sister" chair,
But isn't there always one sister that just a little wilder than the other?

Maybe my new direction is the full moon....
I'll blame it on that anyway.

Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come :)

1 comment:

  1. Love the chairs!!
    And I agree there is always a sister that is more wilder than the other (I was the more reserved type :-))
    Enjoy your weekend!!!
    Suzann ~xoxo~


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