October 18, 2011

White Wednesday Slim Pickins'

The Trade Days Antique Flea Market
That I host twice a year is this upcoming Saturday and
All my waking hours are devoted to getting that put together.

I did, however, complete the antique lace ornaments over the weekend, and
Think everyone should have an "ornament lamp".
This may be as far as I get into decorating this Christmas...*sigh*

My life is just crazy right now :)

Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to drop by,
You know I love it when you come :)

I'm sharing with Kathleen at Faded Charm's White Wednesday this week.


  1. Hi Jana~this is totally fab :)


  2. Hi Jana,
    The Christmas ornaments are so pretty and I love them draped over the wire shade.

    Good luck with your show.


  3. those are wonderful Jana. Happy White Wednesday. xo

  4. Hi Jana, It is always fun to come for a visit to see what you have been up to lately. I am taking some me time to catch up with my friends. Your ornaments are adorable. I enjoyed reading your previous post. Have a great day. A Missouri Friend.

  5. I love the lace baubles! Is there a tutorial?

  6. These are gorgeous. Sounds like you've been a busy lady. I wish you tons of fun and good luck with your flea market this weekend.

  7. These are so pretty! They look just perfect hanging there. Now you've done it, I'm on the hunt for a lamp! And can I get in on that tutorial, too?
    new follower

  8. Good idea for a Christmas tree replacement:) It sure sounds better than dealing with my 9 1/2 ft. tree this year:)


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