November 27, 2011

The One Most Important Rule of Design to Always Remember.... there ARE no rules.

I have long told my customers to always buy the things they love.

In doing this, they will all have a common denominator...

And blend together as your own personal style


Take ideas from books and magazines,
but trust your instincts buying what you love
and not what someone tells you you should love. 

 By surrounding yourself with things you love,
you will feed your soul and find safety
and security within your home.

Crystal lamps in the kitchen and
using my daily dishes for display
makes me happy...

And, after all,  that's what design is all about.


  1. Hi Jana,
    I agree completely. I won't sell anything in my booths that I do not absolutely love nor will I put anything in my home that I do not love. I think that looking at all the different styles here in blogland can be mindboggling at times and I try not to get caught up in the trends and fads and stay true to my own style. This isn't always easy to do but whenever I try something just because it looked good in someone elses home, it never works.

    Thanks for sharing these words of wisdom and beautiful photos of the things you love.


  2. Oooooooo, I love lamps in the kitchen. I have three in mine :) They make my kitchen feel all warm and cozy!

    Definitely words to live by dear Jana!


  3. I think if you buy what you love it all are right, it is your own personal style!

  4. Your "Jana" vignettes are lovely:) I "cookie cutter" here. I like my rooms to make me smile:) Just beautiful, Jana.


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