December 21, 2011

La Princesse' Dress Up Trunk.....

Owning a retail shoppe this time of the year is busy enough,
but then take on the job of making the things your
family wants for Christmas....well, it's down to the last minute.

I wanted a dress up trunk for my sweet baby girl, Tatsey.
I started with an old army trunk,
Painted it white and distressed it a bit....
Taped off the pink stripes...
Because she is all girl, for sure.

I painted the open areas with the palest of pinks to match her room...

This made for a soft contrast....
Much softer than the picture depicts.

 And added her princess crown.....
Because after all, she is you know :)
And such a precious one at that....

This week I'm joining with Honey 2805
and of course....
Beverly's Pink Saturday.

Merry, Merry Christmas, Ya'll


  1. I want a trunk like that-pink stripes, crown and all! I am sure she will love it! Merry Christmas to you!


  2. *swoon* I LOVE it!

    And....I love YOU too!


  3. Hi Jana, Your army trunk will make a wonderful gift for your daughter. Enjoy your new grandson. I can remember my middle child sleeping under the Christmas tree in his carrier as we opened gifts. He was about 6 weeks old. Have a wonderful Christmas. Your Missouri Friend.

  4. CHRISTmas Blessings from my mountain top to your home…May it be the best one ever..Hugs and Love Gloria.

  5. Truly fit for a princess, Jana!

    Thank you for sharing at Potpourri Friday! Have a very Merry Christmas and wonderful Holiday Season!

  6. Oh Jana this is just beautiful!
    Merry Christmas!

  7. Oh, Jana....this turned out so-o cute:)! I am sure Tatsey loved it....who wouldn't:)?!

  8. Jana, My granddaughter LOVES your trunk and is trying to make one. Where did you get your crown and lettering?
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  9. Jana, My granddaughter LOVES your trunk and is trying to make one. Where did you get your crown and lettering?
    You can reply back to


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