January 28, 2012

I'm a Little Bit in Love Now.....

I so wish I had taken a "before" picture of this chair,
mainly so you could be as impressed as I am with the end results :)

Picture this.......
an ugly reddish brown wood....
bright royal blue 1970's  fabric.....

and the problem was...it was a consignment piece....
in my Shoppe.....lookin' bad.

I finally told the man that if he wanted me to ever sell his aunt's  chair
he would have to give me creative license.
I knew I didn't want to pay to have it recovered....
wasn't  MY chair but I knew I could make a difference.

I primed and painted the wood, then applied two heavy coats of gesso to the fabric
allowing it to dry completely in between coats.
The good thing about gesso is that it still allows the fabric to move
so you can still sit in the chair as if it were fabric.

I distressed the wood....

Added the French graphics by transferring the pattern onto the gesso....
Painted it out.....and here you go.....

And I have to tell you now....
I'm a little bit in love :)

Thanks for stopping by today...
You know I love it when you come.

I'm linking to Kathleen's White Wednesday...


  1. I love it! What a great idea with the gesso too. I'll bet if you don't buy it yourself you will sell it right away:)
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  2. een woord SUPER !!!!! wat een idee en ik maar al mijn stoeltjes opnieuw bekleden hahahaha .... groetjes Viana

  3. Well, I wish I could tell you I was sent here by some divine spirit but the truth is that I was just bumbling around blogland and stumbled across your blog. I love it...and have read several of your past post. So, now I have signed up as your newest follower and I'll be back- Pinky Promise~ Diana

  4. I am in a whole lot of love....just beautiful, Jana! I will be surprised if it hasn't already sold:)!

  5. How clever! I'm not familiar with gesso but definitely will study up on it! Absolutely beautiful end result.

  6. I LOVE it! I have similar chairs that are really nice still, but someday when my kids have done too much damage...this type of a reno is on my list for them. You did an amazing job!



  8. The graphics on your chair turned out great. I love the look.

  9. What a great idea to just paint the fabric with gesso! It came out amazing! I am blown away.

  10. What a great idea to simply paint the fabric with gesso! Love it! (Not sure if my first attempt to comment went through or not. Apologies if this is a repeat comment).

  11. that is just beautiful! I have never worked with gesso before...will have to look into it. Now how did you transfer the image, with citra solv?? Just curious because I like to do transfers but usually have to trace over graphite paper.


  12. **THUD** I am truly in love with this chair. This is drop dead GORGEOUS.



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