January 25, 2012

Making the Best of a "Good Deal"

Although I'm not a big fan of the 1940's waterfall front furniture,
I do have a tendency to be unable to pass on a really good deal.

Sometimes though, there are reasons why something is "such a good deal".
I found this piece....
The outside veneer was good....
Pulled out a drawer and all was tight....

However....mental note...
Pull out ALL the drawers to check them, even if you are in a hurry.

After beating myself up for a couple of days,
I knew I had to do something to make this work.

We removed all the drawers....
Absolute trash, and I don't say that about much.

Added "bottoms" to the drawer spaces,
Along with some decorative trim to make it look more original.

Painted it out.
Added the baskets,
And felt a whole lot better about my "good deal".

Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come :)


  1. Hello,

    I really like what you did with it. Love baskets instead of drawers.


  2. I love that style furniture personally, I love the soft edges. Do you have any secrets on the kinds of paint to use or best brands? I need to paint several pieces and I've been putting it off until I can do more research.

  3. This is a great save! I think it turned out better than original. Well done!

  4. Beautiful...quite the Cinderella moment for that piece!

  5. I really like what you did with your piece. I like the combination of open shelves with a door, etc. You turned it into a very attractive cabinet.
    Your newest follower, Mary Alice

  6. It looks so lovely. White, white and more white. It makes for a beautiful transformation. This is my first visit to your special space, I will follow on my way out as I am sure I will enjoy engaging and supporting your special place now I have found you,I hope you will find the some time to come visit me some time. Cheers SpecialK XoXo


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.