February 3, 2012

~~~~~~~Lamp Revamp~~~~~~~

I promise you, these are NOT the type of lamps I would go out looking for.
Definitely late 80's or early 90's and just not old enough for my liking.

Still, they were brought to me, so here they are.
One thing they had going for them was their really big size...
I am a Texas girl, after all :)
and the fact they are NOT resin....just can't do resin....ever.

The one on the left is in it's original state.....not ugly, but not good.
I quickly gesso covered each lamp base with two light coats.
It dries very quickly, so I was able to transfer my number graphics onto the bases in no time at all,
making this a relatively quick project.

I then filled my transfer outline in with black paint.
After a coat of furniture restoration stain was applied...
(not a trade secret, just all I had on hand)
a heavy rub, and lamp shades....they were done.....

I'm not "in love", but am definitely "in like" :)

Thanks for stopping by today....
You know I love it when you come....

Happy Weekend!


  1. Just shows you with a little (LOT) of CREATIVITY you can make anything look GREAT !

  2. Remarkable transformation! I just love a good rescue.

  3. Jana,
    I think they look great!
    I got your email and wonder why you couldn't access my blog? computers are strange sometimes. Ha!


    ♥I am your newest follower!


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