February 19, 2012

Maybe Tomorrow.....

It's a busy time, but that's a good thing.
But there is only one of me and that is a bad thing.

I look around the Shoppe at the things I have done and
the things that are working....

I try to ignore the fact the necklace display is almost out of product....
waiting on ME to create more....

and that the supply of pillows is dwindling daily....

then I remember I have no time to actually "make" anything....

So, I schedule classes to help jump start that creative process....

In teaching, I get to create.

Putting on hold my desire to learn and to
Continue the porcelain classes I've been taking myself *sigh*

And pull energy from the things I have already completed....

Allowing myself to walk around the Shoppe realizing all
I really HAVE done.

Even if it doesn't feel like that much all the time...

Probably because my soap and spray shelves are just about bare....

With customers complaining daily that their favorite candles are all sold...

But I do have hope and maybe this antique French lace will inspire me...

Giving me "permission" to stop the daily chores for just a few hours....

And do the things I love.
The only person that can make time for me is ME.....
I've just never been good at making that happen.

Maybe tomorrow :)

Thanks for stopping by today....
You know I love it when you come.


  1. I am swooning over all this eye candy. You know I adore everything you design and create.

    Love you!

  2. Jana,

    Is your glass 1/2 full or 1/2 empty? You are right to look at all that you have accomplished...a lot! Creativity comes and goes for me. But when I have these great blogging friends like you, I get inspired. Did you know that? :o)



Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.