March 24, 2012

Lace and New Designs.....

People ask me all the time what you wear with the
lace crochet dusters, jackets, and vests I create.

I thought I would share some of the pieces I wear and
also make and sell within the Shoppe.

An extra large oversized t-shirt is altered with vintage
lace from an old wedding dress.


The ankle length bloomers are made of organic bamboo cotton
and are the softest things you will wear other than PJs.

Matching lace is around the bottom, but it doesn't have to match.
This just happened that way.

 You top it off with a lace duster
Giving your outfits layers and layers of beautiful vintage lace.

Because of the length of the duster, it hangs well below your
hips not adding any additional size to your body....
we all hate that, don't we?
I know I do :)

I also added vintage lace on the sleeves.....
Some customers don't like this much detail,
But because this one is MINE.....
I took it to the level I love
Where more is not enough.

The duster sold today,
But the undergarments are mine.....

I was also able to put together another necklace today.
I forgot I had some of the medallions made that simply needed the detailing.
I'm not certain what the blue is on the left of the picture, but it's not on the necklace...
I never said I was a great photographer though :)

Because my email is STILL whacked, meaning I  can receive but not send,
I will answer your
questions here about these garments.

1)  Yes,  I sell them in my Shoppe and on line.
2)  Yes, they can be special ordered by length and size.
3)  Yes, I have a small inventory available in the Shoppe.
4)  Yes, I make each one myself.
5)  Yes, I only use vintage linens.

Some can be found under the Nettie Jane tab above....
Others  haven't been photographed yet.

Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come.


  1. Jana- Those are absolutely beautiful, beautiful pieces. They look like they belong in a museum. You do a wonderful, wonderful job! xo Diana

  2. one word Beautiful.......xx viana

  3. Lovely! Your vintage~style clothing inspire all your wardrobe ideas. Thanx for sharing. Tiffany

  4. Just stunning, it all! That jewelry is beautiful too!


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.