March 21, 2012

Once in a Blue Moon

I have people all the time that come into the Shoppe
that are wanting to barter. 
You know, trade items for the things they want
instead of actually buying them.

Not that it's a bad idea or concept, however,
I have found my mortgage company just doesn't
appreciate it when I offer them a chest of drawers
instead of money :)

This time I made an exception.
There were bags and bags of vintage French laces....
well over 150 yards.
Some are insert type, some simply for edging, but
all beautiful.
I made the deal.

It's not until the lady left that I took each piece from
their individual bags.....
only to find they smelled reeked of cigarette smoke.
I was crushed.
 The smell was so intense that even airing
the lace out would not do the trick.....

It would have to be hand washed to remove the odor.
And this is what I ended up with......
A mound of tangled lace, even though I tried so hard to be
extremely careful in the process.

It has taken over a week in my "down" time
(is there really such a thing in this busy world anymore?)
 to rewind each piece onto cardboard,
untangling as I went along.

But it is absolutely gorgeous,
and I am still happy about the exchange.

 The tatted lace below is absolutely gorgeous as well.
The auction is just about to end on Ebay and
I will be sad to see it go.

Good stuff, for sure.

I've had my "smeller" checked and this shouldn't happen to me again....
or until some incredible lace comes along that dulls my senses.

Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come.

I am linking to White Wednesday this week....


  1. That is too bad about the smell, yuk, but the lace is gorgeous! I still think you made out well:) I am sure you will sell it all.
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  2. What beautiful lace, the last picture is beautiful. I'm not so sure I would have taken it all out of the bags either. A lesson well learned...thanks for the heads up.

  3. Gosh they are beautiful! Lotsa work but worth it. We would love to have you join us as a vendor at our Austin Junk Salvation show! It's April 27th and 28th at J.Lorraine ghost town in Manor. We will fill the town with tons of wonderful junk!! Check out our blog for more info.

    Linda & Dixie

  4. Hi Jana,
    I hate that when it happens! Cigarette smoke smell is just terrible and is so hard to remove.
    I can just imagine how much work it was to wash and untangle all that lace. However, the end result is sheer loveliness.

    I'm sure you will find many wonderful ways to use the laces and trims.


  5. Hi Jana, I can always tell when someone has been in my office when I am gone especially when they smoke. The lace is absolutely beautiful. Have a great day.Your Missouri Friend.

  6. These are wonderful! What a gift...Blessings, Becky


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