April 16, 2012

Bagged and Tagged.......

On Saturday I discovered my very favorite place to shop for old buttons
     and dry goods had closed.....
How could I not know that?

I also discovered a store nearby had bought out their stock of buttons.
They had them all for sale at discounted prices.
I was told you could just go in a scoop them up by color
and by bagfuls.

Well, part of that was right.
You COULD go and scoop them up....
but if you wanted the separate colors like I did, they were
a whole lot more money.

I found tubs and tubs of multi colored buttons....
hmmm.....dilemna for sure as I only wanted whites and neutrals.

So, what the hey...
I stood there for about two hours and picked the ones I wanted.
I know the ladies thought I was crazy....
They kept asking "You finding what you looking for?"

And I did. 

They have now been "bagged and tagged"
and are ready for the
 Funky Junk Sisters Show in

I can literally tell everyone these buttons were
handpicked just for them....

I'm now off to beat some spoons.....
for pendants that is.

I bet it makes me feel better :)

Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come 

This week I am joining Thrifty Nifty Tuesday

1 comment:

  1. Well worth all the effort to get just what you want. They are gorgeous! xo Diana


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