May 1, 2012

Junk Salvation~Austin, Texas

I've said it before,
and I will say it again.
I judge a show by how much fun it was
if I would do it again.

I have got to say definitely!!

The girls that do the Junk Salvation show are so
incredibly sweet,  that it actually renews my faith in
women's ability to treat each other nicely....
with no jealousy or hidden agenda....
Super ladies!

Now for the show.....
I had the honor of setting up next to
Becky Warner of French Laundry....
What an absolute gem.
She and her friend, Julie, offered me the piece below
at almost half price because they thought it would
look good in my Shoppe.
it would, however, there was no way, no how
it was going to fit into my truck.....
bummer :(

My loss, for sure....isn't she grand!

That's Becky on the left and Barbara on the right.
You really couldn't tell where my space ended and her's began.
We have decided we are going to both get trailers,
fix'em up, and start a group called...
"The Girls of White"....we thought about
just "The White Girls", but that just didn't ring right.....
I'm just sayin'.
Becky is encouraging me to set up at Round Top.....
and I'm thinking about it.
At this point, who knows.

They also make these gorgeous lace angel wings to die for...
not to mention the wonderful oversized door...
oh, the things I coulda/shoulda have bought.

Then, of course, I had to get a picture of a lady taking a picture :)...
kindly look beyond that at the row of building and the great stuff
sitting all around.......very, very good junk for sure.

It's called the Funky Junk Salvation for a reason....
The body parts were abundant, but this guy
was my favorite......he was the hit of the show.
I personally can appreciate his "agility" :)

The ideas and creativity were there as well...,.
I fell in love with this dealer's baseball bracelets.....

I told you there were many body parts......

And then there's back to me.....
Lots of lace.....lots of white.....

The cards of buttons were dug through like they were gold....
lots sold, but lots came home as well....
I have such a thing for old buttons.

I sold under the name of "nettie jane" this event
rather than Collected Treasures since I focused
primarily on my clothing designs.

I was offered a couple of wholesale deals,
but we'll see what happens with all of that.

This trunk sold to a girl who said it matched a chair she had....
I didn't ask ....

Everyone was envious of my little patch of flowers as my
building was the only one with any greenery....
Can you believe these guys are still alive with the ground
as dry as it is?
I dropped by cell phone and yelled with fear
it would go into one of the cracks in the dirt and
be gone forever....
This is a Texas drought at it's worst.

I was also pleased to finally meet Anne Lorys of Fiona and Twig....
she's a wonderful talent with her photography and writing ability....
It's such fun to put a face with a blog:)
It's back to my day to day at the Shoppe.....
with lots to think about...
and lots of work in front of me.....

I just love it!

This week I am joining White Wednesday


  1. wow, it is dry! The even looks wonderful. Lots of great items. Please visit me for an Annie Sloan book giveaway.

  2. This looks so fun. Thanks for letting me look around. Wish I could visit!


  3. Your space looks amazing and what a fun venue to sell at:-) I'm from Oregon and sell at the Junk Salvation show in Hilsboro and couldn't agree more about what you said about Linda and Dixie....super sweet ladies for sure!!!



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