May 12, 2012

Keep a Lid On It......

Often times "things" come into the Shoppe
along with other things.
Not necessarily something I would seek,
but something I deal with anyway :)

Kinda like life, wouldn't you say?

I originally thought I would mount each one onto it's own
piece of wood, but liked them all on the column.
They are perfect for dried flowers,
a kitchen towel holder,
or just as a wall hanging.
Anything looks good in masses:)

Here's hoping your Mother's Day is as
beautiful as I know mine will be.

Be Blessed,


  1. They Look terrific...I love them..I like old lids for one and they look prettier...Happy Mother's Day with love Janice

  2. Well, HOW cute is THAT! Smart and sweet- xo Diana

  3. Oh...I love this idea with the old graniteware lids, Jana:)! Years ago I saw a picture of a wall with all different types of ceramic was so striking and so different. Love this too!


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.