May 26, 2012

nettie jane designs....never for the faint of heart

I arrived to the Shoppe this morning to a busted out
glass front door.
Don't know why, don't know who, but do know karma
will take care of them.

It was a very busy day....
I needed serenity and worked on
silk velvet ruched roses while customers shopped.

I refuse to talk anymore about the vandalism....
Talking about it gives it energy....
and it deserves none.

I am going to Canton again this month.....
It always puts a smile on my face.

Stay safe....people out there are crazy :)


  1. You got that right Jana. People out there really are crazy! I'm glad that everything is okay.


  2. I hate when things like that happen. When I lived in Florida inside a GATED area...someone broke in and shot both my German Shepherds and robbed the place. Awful...It leaves you feeling sick and vulnerable. Blessings and you will rise above that crap- xo Diana


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