June 27, 2012

Engraved Silver Coffee Pot Lamp

I receive calls all the time from potential customers wanting
to know if I have the one particular item they are looking for.

I never turn down the opportunity to make a sale.
This person was looking for a silver coffee pot lamp.
Well, I had a ton of those about 10 years ago, but none now.

Didn't stop me though.
I had all the materials and as I was telling her this,
 she said....
"can you whip one out".

"Sure", I said.

After the first one, her friend wanted one as well.
I found this gorgeous piece at Canton....
hated to drill it, but it had lost the remainder of it's set
long ago.

I added a little glass bauble and
although I always use new electrical wiring,
I always try to use vintage lamp parts to give it that
really antique look.

I have no idea what type of shade she will put on it
when it moves to her home,
but for now, she wears a little antique lace.

And I think she wears it well :)

Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come.

I am joining White Wednesday this week.
Vintage Inspiration Friday,
Feather Your Nest Friday.....

June 20, 2012

Sizzling Summer Anniversary Sale..........

Maybe it was because I "might" have had one too many
martinis with my high school friends Saturday night.....

 OR maybe it's because I have 3,000 square feet of stuff
that needs to live somewhere else.....

So I can bring in the NEXT wave of inventory
waiting in my workshop at home.

Regardless of the reason......
It's a good thing for YOU.

I am having a huge Summer Sizzling Sale......

With an unprecedented 50% off
all regular priced items.....

Excluding Nettie Jane Designs, of course.....

June 21st through June 23rd....
No layaway or holds,
and a
4% Service Charge for debit/credit cards,

Hope to see you at the sale
as I begin my 7th year
Downtown Arlington.

Happy Day!!

June 15, 2012

that sneaky pink......

Most of the pinks faded from my Shoppe over the last year.
Probably because I wanted a more neutral palette within the store,
But also because they just weren't selling as well as they had before.

That's why I was so surprised at what I found
When I simply started walking around with my camera in hand.

When had all of these pinks reappeared,
and how did I not realize what was happening.

They are back with all their beauty,
Their romance,
Their warmth.

Not as obvious as they once were

But there, nonetheless.

When you love a color it is
Difficult to make it go away forever....

That sneaky, sneaky PINK.

Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come.

And, of course, I'm joining

June 7, 2012

Revisiting Old Ideas~Suitcase Footstool

I haven't created one of these suitcase footstools in
I don't know how many years....

And for some reason,
this one just "happened".

I had the exact right amount of remnants for
the pillow and found the belts in the bottom of a closet.

Sometimes "old" ideas are new ideas.

I had forgotten how much I like these :)

Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come.

This week I'm joining

June 6, 2012

What do you think it means?

What do you think it means when you start purging....

Not just things you don't need that are tucked in drawers and closets....

But things you have held dear for years.....

Feeling no remorse for letting them go...

Ten years of Victoria......
all on Ebay for the taking.....
Hoping someone will love them as much as I once did...

Not knowing what to make of how I'm able to simply let go...
Trying to figure out why it suddenly means nothing to me.

Should I be concerned.....or is this normal when you
Simply have too much?

I dunno.