July 2, 2012

It's a War Zone Here......

Contrary to what my lil'Mama might tell you,
I DO have organizational skills.

It's just when the creative process starts,
organization goes down the toilet.

However, I'm to the point where it is totally out of control.
My mind is cluttered,
I can't seem to finish much of anything,
I spend more time looking for items than I do making them

I've had enough.....and I want to prepare for the
good things ahead.

This one area is just about completed....

While this cabinet was just brought in
to house my sewing machine.

What better way to use part of the $8,000 cabinet that once housed my computer....
It makes me feel a little better about the money spent
on what became a totally useless piece of furniture.

The cash register is even finding a new home.

While the cabinet behind the counter is
now accessible without piles of items in front of the doors.

Everything that either didn't belong....
Or that needs to sorted and organized
is now on the floor.

Sometimes you just have to tear it up
before you can build it back.

Didn't mean to frighten you with this last picture,
but I guarantee you it's a war zone here right now.

Good thing I have the holiday week to put it all
back together.

This is just the tip of the iceberg....

Stay tuned for progress....
the good, the bad, and the ugly.


  1. Oh yeah- been there- done that....several times- I'm a slow learner! Good luck making order out of chaos. xo Diana

  2. Nothing feels as good as a good sort out. Good Luck. xxoo


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