August 9, 2012

Huge Painted TV Cabinet & a Visit to Canton

This week I painted a huge TV cabinet for a client.
She wanted the same finish as the French buffet she saw in the Shoppe.

And she wanted it painted on site.
I am nothing if not accommodating :)

This is the beast as she originally sat.
A beautiful piece, but very dark for the room.
I admired my client's courage in painting this piece.

I don't use any of the speciality paints,
But do a dry brush effect with normal flat wall paint.

I've had a lot of questions on how to do this,
So I hope to have a tutorial up next week
That will show you this technique.
It saves you tons of money and gives you the
exact same effect....promise.

I like to distress as I go,
not allowing the paint to harden too much before removing.

The bottom of the unit before applying the stain or wax finish.

And after the finish has been applied over the paint.

Making sure I wipe off almost all that I put on for a light effect.
It knocks down the brightness of the paint and deepens it's color

Then off to Canton to see where my second Shoppe location
is going to be.
It's inside the Boardwalk #2, Space #2.

It is big, measuring 22x18'.
I've got to be completely moved in before August 29th
in order to be ready for September First Monday
Yep, those are my sweet babies trying to hide behind the wall....

 After all is said and done, I am hoping I can look as wonderful
as Troy and Rod of Junk Exchange do.

They are Canton veterans and have given me so much
wonderful information and tips guiding me through
this process that is nothing less than crazy for me.

If you haven't met he is.
I promised him I would soften the photo making us
both look "fresher" than the 105 degree weather would allow us to.
And what am I doing with my reading glasses on?????????
I'm telling you....
I don't know if I'm comin' or going.

Be sure and visit both Troy, Rod, and myself if you
visit Canton.......we'd love to see you.

Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come

This week I'm joining:


  1. Wonderful job on the cabinet, Jana! I'm so excited for you that you will be opening a booth at Canton!
    Have a great weekend and thank you for sharing at Potpourri Friday!

  2. Jana-It sounds like you have been one busy girl. I swear that I don't know how you do it all. That cabinet looks great to me. I never used any of the specialty paints before this either (I have now tried a couple of ASCP) but I always dry brushed, too, and got the same effect, I think. Love that last picture of you two- xo Diana

  3. You make it look so easy! I don't know :) Looked very cool afterward!


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.