September 3, 2012

Decisions in Your Life.........

Have you ever made decisions in your life
that you had to second guess yourself if they were the right one....
me too.
But not this time.
Canton was good to me :)
I tried to stock and restock as needed,
But this is what it left me with.
Sure, it was's Texas.
Sure, it was difficult driving back and forth each day rather
than staying local.
But it sure was fun!

I was so pleased and honored to see those
of you who came to Canton just to see me.
Is that special, or what!!
Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come.


  1. Wish I had been there! One day.... :-)

  2. Jana- I am so glad you had a good show experience. It sounds like it was worth all the work! xo Diana

  3. Sounds like it was a wonderful show for you and loads of fun too. If I lived closer, I would have been there with a big empty truck ready to haul tons of treasures home.

  4. Oh wow...I live only 30 minutes away. I love Canton!
    Where are you located? Would love to come by next month and meet you.


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.