September 21, 2012

Jean Bags & Jackets...Nettie Jane Style.

I've made a commitment to myself regarding Canton....
I HAVE to finish all the projects I have started
before I can go on any big shopping spree while I'm there.
And there are a lot of them :(
How does that happen?
Do I loose interest...
Is there an engineering problem that needs to be resolved...
Or do I just forget.....probably because I'm just too busy.
The Shoppe is booming....thank you baby Jesus...
and I'm digging in boxes and bins while customers
wander through the store....
I thank them for their
patience with my scattered brain :)
Finally finished a couple of these jean bags....
started them three years ago and lost interest.
But they are ready now.

Also did all the fine tuning on the jean jackets I embellish.
All going to Canton next week.
All with the Nettie Jane label, of course.

Which reminds me....
The Shoppe will be closed all next week
while I get ready and go to Canton....
Traveling out and about?
Come see me.....
Boardwalk II.
I'm the one that's crazy :)
But I've got good stuff!

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