November 7, 2012

A New Look for the Shoppe and Finding Balance...

.......or trying to.
It's hard to believe I haven't posted since October 20.
It's not that I've taken a break from blogging....
I just have too much going on, and
with the holidays coming it's just going to be more difficult
to balance it all....*sigh*
Canton was fantastic, and
probably one of the best business decisions I have
made since becoming my own boss.
But then, there's still the baby.
It has been neglected while I have been getting my permanent
space on the Boardwalk Arbors in Canton all set up.
It's had my attention all this week,
even though there are so many other things that
are so pressing as well. 
I'm selling through my existing massive inventory and
the Shoppe is looking lean and mean....
not at all like my usual style,  but I'm loving it.
The energy has changed and it feels good :)

The West room is 1,000 square feet and just about
completed.  There is not a thing that has not been touched,
moved, and rearranged.
Although there is still so much to do,
and Canton is in three weeks again.
I'll being working into the night for the next
couple of weeks.
I figure I can rest in January when it all slows
down a bit.
Thanks for stopping by today,
I've missed you!



  1. just so you will know .. Canton doesn't really slow down in January .. true it is less frantic as the last two months have been ... but we had good January, Feb, March and on through until about July/August .. so i figure you will have the same type of following ..

  2. Love your blog,,,your booth at Canton looks beautiful and the pictures of the sop are great. Thanks for sharing . Kay


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.