January 8, 2013

The Newness of It All.....

With November and December being just too all consuming,
With two Cantons, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and
Five days (and nights) with a sick one year old and a 25 year old 3 year old,
It has finally sunk in.
The Shoppe is just going to be open three days a month for the
Third Saturday each month Showcase Event Sale,
With the First one scheduled for February 15th....
I can already tell I am going to have to have some serious discipline.
Having a schedule to get things done, as I have a tendency to
Think I have ALL the time in the world, then there is none :)
I am quickly acquiring masses of new furniture,
Tons of nettie jane designs,
And many other items just for the event.
I have our first guest dealer lined up and couldn't be more excited.
Their product is just fabulous and much along the same lines as
What I do......
I have to definitely work on some sort of rhythm here......
But I'm up for it......mark your calendars and check here often....
Some items will be shared as completed,
While others will be a surprise.
I am excited!
Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come!


  1. What fun, Jana! I always love popping by here to see what you are up to- xo Diana

  2. I'm excited for you! May it be all that you have Envisioned!

    Dawn... The Bohemian


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.