October 28, 2013

Isn't It Funny That Things Change, but They Stay the Same?

That would certainly be the best way to describe
my life...especially this past year.
I have gone to being open five days a week,
to two days a month,
back to three days a week...
It's all quite simple actually.
I have just had to be flexible enough to change
quickly when it wasn't or isn't working for me.
With Canton and the Shoppe,
not to mention my first love which is my
Nettie Jane Designs it stays very busy.
Then add grandbabies, life in general, and it just
all gets blurred.
I think I have it under control at this point...
at least, it's looking that way for the moment :)
I have committed to a few more shows, but
only my Nettie Jane line will be shown.
Both are local.....so hopefully, all my regular customer
can come if they want.
It is a wonderful opportunity to gain
more exposure for my clothing and designs.
Don't get me wrong....
being published on a regular basis in
various Somerset Magazines is great,
but that is a different kind of exposure.
I can't wait to share with all of you
what the details of the events are,
And should be able to do so in the next week
or so....
In the meantime, I'm just sewing, stapling,
and covered in lace....
Which means....
I'm in my own personal heaven!
For those inquiring.....I'm working on a website, but
right now it is going slowly....
be patient....it will come :)
Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come!


  1. Lovely.... Can't wait to see your new website:)!

  2. How beautiful your designs are. I so love anything in lace. Gorgeous collection

  3. My life has been a constant change over the last 15 months. I have missed you and my other faves. I am just hoping for things to settle down soon. We finally sold our home after it being on the market for 3 years! Yaaay! Maybe one day I will start a new Blog when I get the heart to do it but until then, know you are loved by me!

    So glad to see your creativity is still abundant and as beautiful as ever!



Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.