May 4, 2016

There is Just Something About Vintage Lace......Nettie Jane Designs

There is just something about the hum of my sewing machine that closes out the rest of the world and takes me to a more peaceful place........and in this world can't we all use such a distraction!

For me it's not only the escape, but the creative process that goes into each garment I make.  Even I don't always know what the end result will be as I combine fabrics, garments, and laces for my crochet tops and altered couture pieces, I know it will be something girlie for sure.

Each item is one of a kind, and I doubt I could duplicate something if I tried as the same materials are just not available.  Everything has a Nettie Jane label sewn on the outer back.

You can find many more of my creations on my website where there is not only clothing, but also accessories, home decor, handbags, and jewelry.  I just never know where the creative process will take me, but I do know how fortunate I am that it does .

Stop by for a visit when you can.....I'd love to show you around.

January 23, 2016

A Very Special Cross........

My goal each year is to try to create at least one special memory for my daughter.  Sometimes it's a garment or handbag I made her out of special fabrics from her childhood and other times it consists of a sign with a saying that is unique to the two of us.  

This year I was inspired to create a very special cross for her wall of crosses she started last year.  This piece is very special because it uses old belts from her Papa George.  Although he was not my daddy, he is the only grandfather my baby knew, so very special in that regard.

I shared this finished piece on Facebook, and much to my surprise, it went viral.  After over 1,000 shares and 150,000 likes, I realized I had touched on something.  Whether it was creating something out of nothing or the fact you could make the cross so special by using a special person's belts, people loved it.

You can see I never expected anything like this because I shared it laying on junk from my studio and with the rubber bands still in place.......but still, it was a hit.  

I hope you love it as much as other's have!!