Mary, Mary~Quite Contrary, How Does Your Garden Grow?
Ok, my name isn't Mary, and nobody has actually ASKED about my garden. Still, I am excited about it's progress and since I shared the beginning of the project I wanted to bring you up to date. I know I am all over the map and it is hard to keep up with me "pinging" everywhere, but that's my life..........After the dirt came and was leveled, I waited three weeks for the electric company to come and remove branches from the electrical wires so we could remove a dead tree. I didn't want them tromping all over my new little seeds, and I knew they would.....after all....I felt sure it would be men. Don't get me wrong....I love's just that the majority of them "don't get it". When I realized the electric company didn't feel responsible for the tree trimming because it went from building to pole, I went ahead and planted all but that corner feeling I had already waited far too long to get it started. Well, little leaves were peeking through and a major rain came. Because the dirt was not completely packed, we had a mini mudslide into the retaining wall taking the end of the garden with it. Not to worry, we quickly took care of the problem and I replanted the little seeds. Of course, I could have gone the trendy route and purchased 6" plants for the garden, however, when you are planting eight different vegetables and wanting at least eight different stands of each....well at $5.00 each, you do the math. I chose to go the $.99 cent Burpee seed route and knew my Grandmother would be very proud....I like instant gratification as much as the next, but even I have my limits. The dirt is starting to look like a little garden....even if the rows are a slightly crooked. At the recent Trade Days Sale, a man mentioned to Charlene of that my rows weren't straight. I was very proud to be defended by her when she advised him that "Jana never stays inside the lines". I hope that along the way you also feel free enough to venture outside the's a whole new world there!
Bravo! Staying inside the lines is so dull.
ReplyDeleteImpressive veggie garden.
I had such a good time visiting you today. You did an awesome job on changing stuff around. And I love the way ______ (Sorry can't remember her name)space is coming together. "Honey" & I chatted. Oh such undecision. Like you said... it will come. I'll call you Friday to get those phone numbers we discussed. And I did check out that othe "item" we discussed. Hmmmmmmmmm STRANGE! :)
ReplyDeleteOh its sooo big...I only have my little greenhouse, I love all your space..A realy farmer girl :-) I am just loving my new venture into vegetables..I didn't think I owuld enjoy it as much as my flowers, but its great going out every morning and seeing how they are doing..I also love the 6" plants I have a few but it does get $$ so I did venture into seeds and they are already peeking thier little heads out! Please keep us updated with how your garden is growing!!! Have a great day. marlene