August 19, 2009

Bob, Jr. On My Mind.......

One of my dealers was in the shop yesterday and commented on the fact she had seen one of these old wooden telephone shelves at a local sandwich shop with a cat painted inside. They are such wonderful shelves and look great hung as shadowbox frames, but not quite as popular as they once were. After Carrol left I started looking at the piece and thought.....hmmmmmmmmm, why not? I knew I wanted a sitting cat with a folk art look so I started googling free clip art for a "go by". I sketched him on the back of the shelf and painted away. Don't ask me how, but he ended up looking like Bob Jr , and if you look at my side bar to the left at my many animals and you will see what I mean. I never said I was a great artist, but I do like to have fun with it......and he makes me smile! I've got Bob, Jr. on my mind!


  1. You did good Jana my friend. I think your jacket is grrrrrrrreat. I had two containers of my flea market things stolen out of my car last night. One of the doors must not have locked. Sure makes me sick, but I should have put them in the garage. We do live and learn. That's one mistake I'll never make again.
    Hope you have a great day!!!!

  2. Very cute...and it does look like your cat but maybe he posed for you and you didn't know it :)
    Are the other cats jealous?


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