August 20, 2009

My Sewing Machine Keeps Humming~Lace Jackets #2 & #3

When I find myself on a "creative roll" I think it's better just to go with it........Once the first jacket (see previous post) went together so easily (knock on wood) I decided to keep up the pace and see how many I could complete before the momentum failed me.....or before I started having trouble with my sewing machine. This is "Jacket #2" and a good start on "Jacket #3" which should be completed today. It's fun digging through my laces as I adore their beauty and puts me in my happy place for sure. With my grandbaby due any day now I definitely need something to keep my mind and hands busy.....these are the days you start to worry and get it's back to the sewing machine. Have a beautiful day, and thank you for stopping by!

xo jana

And "Jacket #3".....on it's way to being completed once I finish the basic garment :


  1. You go girl, they all look great. Wish I had your energy.

  2. Just beautiful! Thank you for sharing your photos.
    Take care! Sharon


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.