October 8, 2009

Cockadoodle Do.......Roosters are Done!

It has been really busy in the store this morning.....good for me and the dealers......but bad for getting things done.......STILL, I've been able to paint four of my French rooster tins for Trade Days, which is all of this style I'm going to do, lest they look "mass produced"........I am leaving the cutting and separating the tins to my sweet man.....I just had a quick vision of blood and pain, so stopped cutting the tin with my scissors. I can stand the pain, I just don't have the time for the stitches :) I'm teaching an altered art memory book class tonight.........so that's it for me today. Thanks for stopping by.....I haven't forgotten about my monthly giveaway, just can't remember to bring in the giveaway to photograph and post.....I promise, if you love old Christmas ornaments, you are gonna want these! Just comment for one entry and follow for two.......and the prize could be yours......(Anne....yours went out today with a few "extras"....hope you love it!)



  1. I love those! I have some old tin, you have definitely inspired me here!

  2. You have such talent Jana! Love that you pianted them on ceiling tin! I'm excited about your Trade Days too. I'm leaving hubby @ home & bringing a friend.

  3. Jana,
    I feel bad I haven't been by for a visit. I was trying to catch up on work too. So much to do before X-mas. Love everything your working on!

  4. The roosters are gorgeous..how very talented you are.

  5. Hi Jana

    These are great!Y es, be careful you don't want a trip to the ER.


  6. Those are so cute! I know how you feel about the tin cutting, hubs has snips and I, to, leave it up to him. Being in the heating business I figure since he cuts ductwork he's use to it. Sounds good to me!


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.