October 9, 2009

A Sad Pink Saturday.......

Well, it finally happened......when I arrived at the store this morning one half of my awning was in shreds and flipping in the wind. I know I've been expecting this to happen....the pieces of tape covered the small holes from the last hail storm, and the awning is way beyond it's life expectancy....still, it is sad and you hold on not wanting to spend the money.......not on building maintenance anyway. So my once burgandy, now faded beautiful pink awning is history........BUT I've had a vision. My daughter has always told me she didn't think of me as the "awning" type person..(I've personally never known quite what that meant, but trust her judgment enough to believe her).......so, the awning is "out". We are painting the wonderful metal architecutrual awning frame black to match the other black accents on the building which are the top layer of tiles and the bull nose brick right above the awning frame. I am then going to plant beautiful all season blooming wysteria vines at either corner and in two of my large planters so it can grow up onto the frame and use it as a trellis of sorts.......I know not everyone has my vision, so you're going to have to trust me on this one.......it is going to be divine.....and can't you just smell the beautiful scent of wysteria......
I'm pretty sure I can :)
Want more beautiful pinks today....jump over to Beverly's on the button to the left and see what the others have prepared for you.....it's always a fun day.


  1. So sorry about your awning..but perhaps it's for the best..your description of the plantings and the painting sounds beautiful, I'm sure you won't miss the awning. Happy Pinks and have a lovely weekend.

  2. May it rest in peace. The new look sounds beautiful though. Happy Pink Saturday!

  3. Hi Jana,
    I am so sorry to hear about your awning, but your idea about the Wysteria sounds great. Hope it all works out for you. Wishing you a wonderful Pink Saturday.


  4. That awning might just have additional live(s) creating pillows and quilt patches and cushions for lawn chairs and table runners and...

    Happy Pink Saturday! So sorry about the awning. Take a long look at it...there just might be a little life left in the old friend.☺

  5. Well Jana, I know whatever you create will be wonderful. When one door closes another opens-right? Your posts have been really beautiful, haven't had time to comment on each one. Getting ready for the big Trade Days show this month. Lisa

  6. I look forward to seeing the new and improved awning Jana, but am so very sorry to hear about the loss of the awning you love. Happy Pink Saturday to you, Char

  7. Sometimes things happen for the best...sounds like this may be one of them!

  8. Sometimes necessity is the mother of invention - sounds like your new idea is going to be wonderful! Happy Pink Saturday!

  9. Oh I can hardly wait to see this when the wisteria is in full bloom- it will be a lovely sight!

    Happy Pink Saturday

    Bee blessed,

  10. The new look sounds beautiful .
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  11. It held you in good stead. Will your new design be able to prevent any sun fading that might occur without the awning? I hope you are having a wonderful Pink Saturday.

  12. Hi Janya, I'm sorry about the awning too. I agree with your daughter, your not really the awning type. I love her idea. Be sure and take before and after pictures.

    I don't know if you've forgoten by now, but you have won a prize from me. I had several colors in my mind from suggestions. I went to the material store in Montreal and I found a piece of material with all the colors in it. I have been very busy sewing and sending prizes. 7 people won. You suggested Carmals and browns. Hopefully I will be getting your prize in the mail by the end of the week. I need your address. You can e-mail me at: cindygeilmann@yahoo.com.

  13. Oh, I'm sorry about the original awning, but wisteria is fabulous too! Wisteria has such a beautiful effect. Perhaps you are a wisteria awning type. It will be fun to watch the progress of this new awning in the making! ~ Angela

  14. poor awning, but your new idea sounds beautiful!!!!

  15. Ooo,I like your idea! Way cool~tres Continental.
    You have lots of precious luvvies, I see. Thank you for rescuing them and giving them a good home.
    Happy Pink "Saturday" this Tuesday noon.


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