October 10, 2009

October's Christmas Ornament Giveaway......better late than never!

Well, here it is October 10th and I haven't even posted the giveaway for this month.....and it is a good one, too! Before I tell you what it is, I need to tell you that I won't have a picture for you to see until Monday.......so why not wait until Monday to tell you about it? Well, because it would then be that much later and I would be that much further behind. In my own defense, my daughter brought Miss Sterling to the store today for me to keep this evening as they needed to leave before I closed.....I thought I had everything in the car that I knew I would need for this weekend, including my camera and camera cable.....but I didn't so I can't post the picture.....BUT they are beautiful, so hang in there with me. There are four six inch long antique West German ornaments in a beautiful blue mercury glass.....I honestly can't tell if the color has started to fade at the top and bottom as the color seems to lighten to a greenish color, or if they are actually made that way. They remain in their original box although the cellophane is pushed in...still there, just not in that great of shape.......so how do you win these beautiful ornaments that will arrive to the winner just in time for the holidays?????......simply comment anytime during the month for an entry, and choose to become a follower for two chances. If you are already a follower then you automatically are entered twice if you comment. Trust me on this one and stop back by the first of the week to actually SEE what you could win....I don't think you will be disappointed........have a beautiful Sunday. I'm at a family reunion today and family is always good......and the food is always great!


  1. I love Christmas ornaments so put me in. Sure hope I win, but I'm not very lucky at things like that. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
    Hugs, Pat

  2. Oooooh, looking forward to the big reveal! ~ Angela

  3. They sound like real beauties! Have fun with the family!


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