November 12, 2009

It's A Challenge....and the Prizes are Awesome!!!!

So who woulda' thunk that I would roll over the 100th follower the day I also announce the start of a new contest, or as I like to think of it.....challenge......That just makes it even that much more special for me, so I am going to try and make it that much more special for YOU for your efforts and following.....

My last post was about "repurposing" items making the ugly blouse into a Victorian lampshade......and that is what the challenge will be. I would like to see what all of you do with the things you come across in your junkin' time. It's not the kind of challenge where you find an old chair, repaint it, and reupholster it.....that does take talent and vision, but not that much of a creative mind. I want to see you make that pair of chairs into a chaise lounge, or that birdcage into a lamp, or that baby bed into a porch couch....or whatever .....get the jest here?'s about "repurposing" not "redoing" SO......take a quick before picture of your basic item and pictures of your finished piece and submit to me via email by midnight January 15th, 2010 to be judged for three top winners. Because I want to make this very special, and very worth YOUR effort, especially during this busy holiday season, I am making the prizes what I think to be least I hope so.

The first place prize will be a custom made altered couture sweater sold under my brand of "Heart & Soul". This prize is valued at up to $250.00 in the shoppe........the sweater will be made after the winner is chosen and has submitted their size and preferences, and should arrive within the first two weeks of February......some samples are shown below...some of these were made as inventory, while others were special order, but all will give you an idea as to the style and design of my creations.

The second place winner will receive a $50.00 gift certificate for use in my Etsy or my website at

The third place winner will receive a gift certificate valued at $25.00 for use within my shoppes online as well.

I can't wait to see all the fabulous designs and ideas you have locked up inside those little ole' heads of yours.....and to give back to all my wonderful blogger friends that are so supportive, so encouraging, and just so wonderfully nice..........isn't it a great world we have's like having secret friends, and I love it!

So, to sum it up.........the rules and guidelines are:
1) Before & after pics by midnight January 15th, 2010
2) Must be repurposed not just redone.
3) Contest open to US and Canada residents only.
4) Judges decisions are final.
5) Winners to be announced no later than January 20th, 2010

NOW.....get busy with all that creative genius that is flowing rampant with all you wonderful people I have met.....and feel free to pass this on to others....the more the merrier, I always say!

Please don't forget about the monthly giveaway as well......I'm just a "giving machine" these days, but you know......I think it helps your karma to give back when you receive......

Comment for one chance for five Victorian cones

Comment and follow for two chances....

Comment, follow, and mention on YOUR blog for three chances......just easy greasy!!
and.....thanks for indulging me!!!!!



  1. Oh my gosh !!!!!!!!!!!!! The sweaters are simply gorgeous. Just gorgeous. I'm not sure how I will be at re-purposing something,but I'm gonna try. :)
    And I wold love it if you would enter me into the giveaway for the Victorian Cones..I'm already a follower of your pretty blog..

  2. Oh this sounds like such an exciting challenge- it's times like this that I wish I were more creative than I am- I am a copy cat- someone else comes up with the idea and I copy it if I like it!! I will try so hard to gear my mind to something unique and inspirational and creative enough to win one of those gorgeous designer sweaters!!

  3. These are beautiful! I probably won't have time to participate, but I'm very excite to see what everyone comes up with!

  4. Beautiful vintage sweaters - and I love your idea of a contest involving re-purposing. I've been doing some of that lately with my thrift store finds so maybe I'll have something worthy of entry into your contest. :-) I am going to highlight your blog and your contest on my Pink Saturday post, if you don't mind. I have really enjoyed browsing around. Lots of great stuff going on here. Happy Pink Saturday tomorrow.


  5. Jana these tops are so amazing!!! You don't expect me to do anything this awesome do you? I think this is a great contest.

  6. Coming back to let you know I posted about your challenge and giveaway!! I hope we have lots who decide to join in on the fun!! That way I can copycat some more!!! LOL

    Love the shade you made out of the velvet top---gorgeous!!!

  7. Great contest Jana, great prize too! I would love to have one of those babies hanging in MY closet. Your work is beautiful. I am going to put my thinking cap on, in the meantime I'll help spread the word. Lisa
    PS Your paperwhites are further along than mine, I started late.

  8. I was sent here by a friend who thought I should enter my upcycled studio lights. I just love your sweater too! Here is my photo link

  9. I tried to send the pictures email but they came back : /
    Thanks for the chance!


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.