November 13, 2009

Pink Saturday & A Love of Needlepoint....PLUS A Challenge!!

My love of vintage needlepoint is certainly rivaled by my love of pink, so when they "come together" it makes me smile. These are just a sampling of the pieces I have in my home...some pillows, most framed.....but all beautiful. I also have boxes and boxes of ones that I have picked up here and there and haven't decided what to do with them yet. I find it almost impossible to let them go by selling them in the shoppe.....I'm sure there is therapy for that....probably a disorder they would call "Compulsive Needlepoint Disorder"....or "CND" problem....just add it to all the other disorders I have and I'll treat them when I have time :)
If you have the time, and are up for a challenge with wonderful prizes, take a minute to read the post right before Pink explains all about a neat challenge I'm putting out there for anyone who likes to "play". The time frame is two months to get your project together because of the holiday season.......that way there are no excuses for being "too busy"........think about it....and I hope you join the fun!

And then.....there's more!

And my absolute favorite....has nothing to do with pink, but the sentiment is so wonderful I just couldn't leave it out..
Want to see more beautiful pinks? Jump over to Beverly's How Sweet the Sound and see what our host has prepared for you this week. She does a wonderful job of keeping us on track and sharing it all with you. And be sure and check out the post below for a fun challenge with great prizes as well.....Thanks, Beverly.
xo jana


  1. This is the most wonderous assortment of needlepoint I've ever seen. All the pieces are simply beautiful. Have a happy Pink Saturday and a most lovely weekend.

  2. So that;s what I've got.....CND! I just KNEW it had a name! :0)

    Beautiful needlework!

    Happy PS!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  3. Oh I am so enjoying your needlepoint pictures! I have a dozen canvases or so that need finished- they have the flowers done- need background finished. Finished 1- it is great therapy!!
    Off to look at previous post!


  4. You weren't kidding when you said you had some needlepoint in your house! They just kept coming and coming, they are all so beautiful! I can imagine the time that went into them. Happy Pink Saturday and have a wonderful weekend!

  5. All of your needlepoints are so gorgeous!! Blessings!

  6. You have amasted quite a beautiful collection. I would love to see them all in person, Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  7. I am just wondering, How many hours are in your day? Mine only has 24, and that is no where near enough to get things done in, And here you are doing all this! Gorgeous needlepoint. I have wanted to learn how to do that, but until now have never had the patience to sit still long enough. Maybe I will buy a little kit to get started. I sent you an e-mail last night for your challenge. Thank you for the fun way to show off my repurposed grocery bags.
    I know it is a little early to say Merry Christmas, but I will say...
    Happy Holy Days!!!

  8. You've assembled quite a collection. I love how you highlighted the pinks in the tapestry. I hope you are having a wonderful Pink Saturday.

  9. So pretty! I have one like the first one for sale in my booth, and I'm secretly hoping it doesn't sell so I can keep it!

  10. I think I have a few compulsions myself. Your needlepoints are gorgeous. I wouldn't sell them either.
    I might be up for your challenge. Thank you for doing it in far away as that seems right now I'll still probably be finishing my project the last minute:)

  11. These are beautiful! My mom-in-law would love to visit your home

  12. Oh, Jana. I love every piece. I can see why they are treasures to you.

    Happy Pink Saturday.

  13. Hi Jana!! Your needlepoints are absolutely gorgeous! I love the vintage beauty of them!!!

    :) T


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