January 21, 2010

Feeding the Habit.....

Last week a little 83 year old lady called my store. She shared with me she had boxes of lace that had been her mothers and wanted to know if I was interested in seeing it. I politely told her that I wanted to "see" it only if it was for sale......I mean...don't be teasin' me, right? After finally getting this sweet little soul off the phone 30 minutes later, I figured I'd never hear from her again because I told her I don't go to people's houses, they have to bring it to me...you know, security and safety and such.....and I knew that was going to be a challenge for her. Well, this morning Mona called to say she was on her way with the lace......I immediately felt my heart start racing. I mean, I have a real problem with this stuff....I don't just like it, I don't just love it, I have to own it ALL. Needless to say, I was not disappointed in what she brought me and have been tortured all day long because I haven't had a chance or the time to dig through my new stash. It satisfied me somewhat to dump it out and move it around to take these pictures, but I need to REALLY get into it to see just how wonderful all of it is.....for now, I can just feel that much better knowing that I have made this mine.....all mine......LOL

And over 100 vintage and antique hankys.......add this to my other 250 and it's out of control.......what ideas do you have to do with these. I know you can make a valance, tablecloth, pillows......what what ELSE have you seen out there....share with me....I'd love to know!

And then
there were buttons....all from Germany and Chezkoslovakia ......ummmmm ....

Comment and/or follow to enter the monthly giveaway........I'm thinking this month it will be a handful of vintage hankies.........AND consider joining us each Thursday for Quick Project Thursday #3.......simple and easy. Just grab my button, let me know, share your project on your blog and link back to me........would love to have you.
xo, jana


  1. OMG!!!! Jana...I got so excited just from the pictures..A TREASURE TROVE!!!!! I would be beside myself..I love all lace and vintage linens... I think you should consider posting in ETSY the trims and buttons you do not use..for crazies like me who can't get enough...I would be in heaven with that box..I would make a cup of coffee and spread the contents on my bed and start sorting and dreaming what I was going to do with them all!! What fun!!!!

  2. Oh My Gosh Jana...
    I am THRILLED for you. I too would be digging and redigging into this stash. She had so much and her being 83, can you imagine how old this lace and these hankies actually are? Oh my gosh what a Burried Treasure you have found, or I should say found you. I would be doing cartwheels for sure.

    Thank you for sharing just a peek with me. These items are so beautiful. My gosh they are delicate and colorful, texture galore, and so many varieties. Oh a girl can dream right???

    Have a beautiful Friday sweetie. Let us know what you decide to do with all of this. I can't wait to see. Start dreaming sweetie.

    Country hugs and much love...Sherry

  3. Wow! She definitely knew the right person to call for this haul. Fantastic, wonderful items! Have fun creating! Blessings, Tammy

  4. WOW! You are living right...all the wonderful treasures coming your way. I can't wait to see all the great things you will be making.

  5. What a Wonderful Load you aquired. I am sure you are still looking at all of it. I love looking at all of it, just Beautiful..

  6. I could lose myself in all that lace for days!!!! It is all so beautiful. It is a little sad to me that none of her family wanted to keep all that in the family. I feel the same way when I walk into an antique store and see family photos.

  7. Oh you lucky lucky lady. Lace and hankies oh my.


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.