January 22, 2010

A Potpourri of Saturday Pinks......

Welcome to another Saturday where we all share our beautiful pinks with the world. Because I don't like to simply scan photos from magazines, as I think we can all read our favorite magazines on our own.....I sometimes have a mishmash of things to share...which is the case today. When a friend dropped by last week she brought me a stack of vintage and antique linens, and I was pleased to get them, regardless of what they were. When you define yourself as a "bottom feeder", as I define myself, you appreciate anything and find beauty in everything. At the bottom of the stack I found this sweet hanky holder. It was begging for something pink, so it got one of my had dyed velvet and silk millinery roses.....
Full of vintage pink rose hankies, all with their original price tags indicating they once cost a whole 17 cents each

And another item in the shoppe is a vintage jewelry box with a mixed media altered art cover..

Open it up and it's "full of pink".

This precious vintage crocheted napkin holder is just the epitome of "sweet".....I love it.

I thank our host, Beverly, for putting Pink Saturday together each and every week.....If you want to see more wonderful pinks, just use the button on my sidebar to visit the other participants this week. I also invite you to join my Quick Project Thursday where we post simple projects that can be completed in an afternoon. Just grab my button, link back to my blog, post your project, and let me know to link to you.....it's simple....it's fun....and it's sharing! Also, comment and/or follow to enter my monthly giveaway. This month is almost over and you could win 12 of the vintage hankies I acquired this week.....I'd love to have you.

ciao, jana


  1. Hi Jana,
    I just love everything. It's all so sweet and dainty..I think my favorite is the little rose crocheted piece. We used to have some of those in our home..they were on napkin holders and on hot mats. I always thought they were so pretty. Have a lovely Pink Saturday.

  2. You posted some wonderful pinks today. I just wanted to tell you that I highlighted your blog in my Pink Sat. post. Have a wonderful day tomorrow!


  3. I looove pink!
    That jewelry box is to die for. I simply MUST get up to your shop! Soon, fingers crossed. :-)


  4. Petal pink and soft things to share this week. So beautiful and feminine.
    Happy Pink Saturday,

  5. What a wonderful Pink Saturday post! I just ♥ the fact that each of us shares such a variety of items - that's one reason why this event is never boring. Always something fun, new, lovely or interesting around the corner.

    Thanks for sharing a part of yourself today☺ Cold, gloomy day today but, as always, bright and sunny on the Pink Saturday blogs.

    ♥I'm loving the kitties and Amos♥

    ♫Wishing you sunshine and happiness this weekend!♫

  6. Beautiful pinks in your post! Especially fond of the hankies. Can you imagine 17 cents each?!? Have a peachy pink weekend! ~ Angela

  7. Wonderful pinks! Happy Pink Saturday!

  8. Happy Pink Saturday !!! I have enjoyed visiting your blog and viewing your lovely photos - Please a wonderful new week.

  9. i love that napkin holder.thanks for sharing have a blessed week.

  10. Hi there! Lovely pink pretties today! I think my favorite would be the gorgeous jewelry box - pink on the inside and the beautiful embellished top. It is very special...

    Cynthia K. (Beauty and Blessings)


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.