January 19, 2010

Livin' Right......uh huh!

One of my primary goals this year is to keep fresh and "new" merchandise in the shoppe. I have several plans in place to help me achieve that goal, but when things like this just "come to you", you have to wonder if you even need a plan ? This gorgeous antique sofa doesn't photograph as beautiful as it actually is.....the fabric is extremely rich and elegant and a much softer shade than this orange shown....more like a deep salmon.........I have a definite thing for antique sofas....and I am in love!

And isn't this to die for!!!! The size is massive and I feel certain a family of little people could live comfortably inside :)

I'm not sure what I did to get so lucky as to have these wonderful pieces "come to me"......but I'm glad I did......they are absolutely gorgeous and definitely add wonderful charm to the store.

Wanna have some fun? Grab my button and play along with with Quick Project Thursday.......

xo jana


  1. Oh Jana

    What a wonderful sofa - very "she she" and inviting!

    Have fun!

  2. Oh Jana...I am drooling over that couch. It is so foofy-foofy...I love it.

  3. I think I'm going to be up your way soon, if so, I definitely plan on stopping by the shop. I can't wait to see all this stuff ( and YOU ) in person! :-)



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