January 18, 2010

Soap Makin' Day.......

Today was my "day off"....if there is such a thing when you own your own business. Because I have been very busy with the day to day activities within the shoppe, I let my soap inventory get to a level where I needed to make ALL of the nine different fragrances I sell under the "Heart & Soul" label. It's not difficult to actually make the soap once you know HOW....but, mercy, getting ready is a process......especially if you are making 30 pounds in one day....here is my "soap factory".....what you don't see are two big black dogs on the floor wanting to get to the five gallon tubs of oil, the cat that I have to keep knocking off the cabinet because she is curious and heading right for the lye......and dinner that is cooking on the stove to the right........you just gotta love multi-tasking!

Gorgeous and ready to pour....

In the mold and "curing"..

The loaf "fresh out of the mold".....
But the end results are so incredibly worth it, that I get the huge five gallon tubs out of oils and suffer the tiny burns of the lye jumping from the dish onto my skin in order to make this absolutely delicious soap to sell in my shoppe......one of the best things I ever learned to do.

Don't forget
to comment/and or follow me to be entered into my monthly give away....you don't always know what you are signing up to win, but it is always good......ask Anne at Fiona and Twig....she won a whole loaf of this beautiful soap......

ALSO.......consider playing with us each Thursday with Quick Project Thursdays.....simply grab my button, post a project that can be completed in a day, and let me know you are participating so I can also link to you.............simple as that! The store has been really, really busy so it is difficult to keep up.......but that's a good thing!
x0, jana


  1. Oh Jana.. I also have done soap in the past..I loved it!!! I tell you , I just don't know were you get all this energy..Running a business, making all your creations, all your animals and then Soap..!!Girl.. you should get a " High Achievement" award!!! I wish I had that energy!
    We have a big storm this week in the central coast..and All I have time to do is dealing with my 2 dogs and this rain.. :-)

  2. I just LOVE that you make your own soap Jana!!! The bars are so gorgeous and I bet they smell wonderful too! You make me want to make my own now :) I hope you are doing wonderful this new year and that it is a very happy, healthy and prosperous one too!!! hugs and love, Dawn

  3. I just love handmade soap. It is so luxurious and beautiful. Wishing you a wonderful week. Blessings, Tammy

  4. Beautiful soap! Looks like all the hard work really pays off. Have a great week. ~ Angela

  5. When do you sleep, Jana? The soap looks amazing and, probably, feels amazing on the skin!

  6. What a busy day off! I've never made soap but have always wanted too...yours looks so good!
    Someday I'll have to try this!
    have a great day:)


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