January 24, 2010

Sweet, Sweeter.....and Sweetest!

I have always had an affinity for things vintage or antique that had anything to do with children. I always wanted two or three kids, but was blessed with just one beautiful baby girl as the plan would have it. Perhaps He knew just how high maintenance she was going to be and knew that was probably just about all I could handle......:)

I adore all of the antique linens for babies and especially love these beautiful linen and silk baby pillowcases. They are so sweet.
Then, of course, there are all of the precious vintage clothes as well. The fabrics are wonderful and the detailing exquisite.

Then there was always the amateur artist in the family to capture the little one at one of their sweeter moments.....

But it goes without saying that there's nothing like the real deal in the present day....my sweetest five month old Tater Girl.......a little mussed from the mall trip and the newly pierced ears (please don't even ask, as it was just too traumatic for Gammy), but beautiful nonetheless..

Thank you all that gave their suggestions and ideas for the table top........I'll be working on it this next week and will keep you in suspense as to which idea I chose when I reveal the entire set next week sometime :).......In the meantime....this is the last week of the month, so be sure to comment and follow for two chances to win the twelve vintage hankies from the stash I received last week........

Also, come and play Quick Project Thursday this week and share one of your ideas of a quick afternoon project with everyone.....we'd love to have you....Grab my button, post on Thursday, let me know you're playing so I can link to you as well...and YOUR DONE!

I survived the mall, but barely.....oh my.....that's a scary place!

ciao, jana


  1. Oh, sweet baby Sterling! She is growing so fast. Anything vintage baby is fabulous, but Sterling takes the cake. ~ Angela

  2. What an angel baby! I would probably have been traumatized just like you ay having to watch the whole ear piercing scenario! The baby linens are so very sweet, so soft and tiny! Have a great week Jana and thanks for coming by to visit!

  3. Oh my such a sweet angel. What great cheeks!!

    Wishing you a wonderful week!

  4. Oh Jana amor, your lil bebe tater is getting so big and gorgeous! Do you ever dress her up in vintage bebe clothes and take pictures?? I bet she would look sooo bella! Thank you for visiting me and leaving a comment for my birthday :) You and all the other ladies made my whole week! I am looking forward to my cones...I honestly thought I was getting just one...but 2...I am a lucky duck aren't I :) Besos,Rose


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.