January 27, 2010

White Wednesday & My Giveaway!

Welcome to my late White Wednesday.......it's not that I don't have alot of white, because I really do.......it's just difficult to know what to choose. This week I've started working on some paper mache hat boxes covered in old magazines and such.....I thought I would post them before I started all my embellishments, because I'm not sure how "white" they will end up when the project is actually completed......still, these are a wonderful way to store all kinds of things in a "pretty way".....

Then there's a sweet little dessert tray, all painted white with handmade porcelain roses......

I'm not sure why it has taken my paperwhites so veeery long to bloom, but I think I like them in January....and they smell delicious!

I hope you enjoyed your visit today......if you want to see more beautiful whites, use the button on my sidebar to see the other participants in White Wednesday hosted by Kathleen at Faded Charm. It's always feed the senses.
Also, I hope some of you can join us in Quick Project Thursdays.....just let me know your "in" so I can link to you as well....it's always fun to share! It's almost the last day of the month, which means there will be a drawing from all the comments received during the month for twelve of the beautiful hankies I acquired last week.......anyone following gets two chances.....

Make Your Day Great!



  1. Your hat boxes are very pretty, I have a set of 4 that I keep trims in. I covered them in purple and white napkins to put in my purple bedroom. The paperwhites look sooooo spring and I'm so ready for spring.
    I'll drop by soon to get the table and my stool. See ya then.
    Hugs, Pat

  2. I love how you plated flowers in the fish tank...beautiful..I never would of thought of that.

  3. Such lovely hat boxes. And the dessert tray is beautiful. All very lovely whites.


  4. I just love what you've done with the boxes! and who can resist the sweet fragrance of paperwhites

  5. Girl I love what you did with the paper on the hat boxes...I have done this with wall paper before...yours look just beautiful my friend...thanks so sharing...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  6. Hi Jana
    Love the paper whites but not the smell too much :) Your hat boxes are really great.

  7. Love the boxes girl!!

    thanks for posting your sweet pics!


    barbara jean

  8. Jana amor, I the hat boxes are pretty just like that...can't wait to see what they look like after you embelish them :) Besos, Rose

  9. Those hat boxes are pretty spectacular just as they are! But knowing you, they'll be even more spectacular-er! ;-)



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