March 16, 2010

~~~~~I Know How Lucky I Am~~~~~

Not only do I have a precious grand baby, but also a beautiful daughter who adores me.
Then I am fortunate enough to still have my Mother in my life, whom I adore.
It is so easy to take all of these things for granted because you have them, but when I see others struggle because they have lost their loved ones, or maybe because they don't have a healthy relationship with the ones they still have, I feel sorry for their loss and the void they must feel. I cannot imagine my life without any of these sweet souls.
As my daughter and I worked on a couple of things today in the Shoppe,
My sweet Tater Girl didn't mind a bit.
I think I might have been blessed with an old soul, here.....
she just seemed to love this old suitcase so much!
What's not to love about this sweet, sweet baby~!
As always.....thank you for stopping by today....
I appreciate your visits and
love it when you come!


  1. The suitcase is fab, but how much for the baby?



  2. Jana amor, I am crushing an that bebe girl :) It was just what I needed today...a big smile :) Thank you! And amor you are truly blessed with all the love you have around you and that you share with your loved ones. Besos,Rose

  3. How sweet and charming. that looks like a picture to be framed for sure.

  4. Sweet post Jana.
    I'm up and running for tomorrow
    I'll be back to sign up.


    barbara jean


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