March 18, 2010

Quick Project Thursday #9~ Dried Hydrangeas

Drying the Perfect Hydrangea....
I'm including this as a project because I have had so many questions about how I accomplish this......and it's really quite simple.
The most important factor in getting the best dried bloom is picking it at the perfect time.
Make sure the bloom is what I called "aged".
It cannot be new and beautiful, which how most think it should be.
Wait until at least a week into the bloom when the majority of the moisture has left the flower.
If it feels just a little stiff to the touch, but is still full and's ready.
Cut the flowers with enough stem to place into a vase so you can finish the drying process.
Fill your vase with enough water to cover approximately 1" of all stems.
Not only can you enjoy a beautiful vase of fresh flowers while they are drying, but you will also end up with perfect dried hydrangeas.
There is no need to turn these upside down as you do roses.....
they will dry perfectly upright in the vase.
When all of the water is gone in about 5-7 days....your flowers are done.
You can leave them in the vase for a beautiful dried flower arrangements
or in wreaths and other projects.
I hope this helps all those accomplish the perfect dried hydrangea.
Spring is almost here and there will be beautiful flowers soon!

And they look beautiful attached to wreaths.....If you would ever like to join the fun and share a quick project, just grab my sidebar button and let me know......we would love to have you. Barbara Jean always plays along and has wonderful ideas, so check her out at Treasures from the Heart

As always....thank you for stopping by today.
This is such a busy time of the year and I appreciate your visits!


  1. Jana amor, thank you so much for this wonderful post! I have saved it & printed it out for my folder...I can't wait to try this in a few months, think pink blooms dry pretty? Have a greath day amor :) Besos, Rose

  2. I really love the look of them dried. Thanks for the tips! I have two plants in my yard and I never ever do anything with them but this year I most definitely will!

  3. hi Janna,
    thank you for your tutorial. I love hydrangeas and had some dried last year but since I did exactly what you do with roses they didn't dry that well. I have recently bought 2 white hydrangeas pots and will follow your tips.
    I so much love to have them scattered around the apartment, especially in vintage coffepots.

  4. Your wreath is beautiful!!

    Thanks so much for hosting, and for sending people my way. So sweet of you. =)

    Blessings on your day

    barbara jean


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